How to tag on LinkedIn

Why tagging your company and MAWW on Linkedin posts is important?

There are several important benefits to tagging your company on Linkedin.

  • This will help with Deal flow as your posts will be more visible.
  • It will create brand awareness of your company and MAWW.
  • It will create traction for your posts and brand.
  • It also affects your ranking within Linkedin.

The process is simple: To mention a company in a post:

  1. From your LinkedIn homepage, click Start a post or click Comment at the bottom of someone else’s post.
  2. Type “@” and then begin typing a name. You’ll see a list of potential people you can mention.
  3. Click the name of the person/company you want to mention from the list and continue typing your message.


  • The tag will then notify your connections that your post or comment might be relevant to them.
  • With every Done deal there should be 4 tags, your company (member) the Acquirer and the Seller involved in the deal and MAWW.


This will help with Deal flow as your posts will be more visible.

It will create brand awareness of your company.

It will create traction for your posts and brand.

It also affects your ranking within Linkedin.


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