A global organisation of M&A advisory services.

Established in 2004.

45 offices in 35 countries.


Represented by


The fine art of corporate finance.

M&A Worldwide is represented in Spain
by ARSCorporate.


C/ Velázquez 94, 1 – ES 28006 Madrid

Our team

Managing Partner

Jordi Blasco

Managing Partner

Martin Mayer


Marc Blasco


Lina Benchekroun


Mireia Perarnau

Managing Partner

Jordi Blasco

Lawyer and founding partner, Jordi Blasco has gathered broad experience as an advisor in national and cross-border transactions since the early 90s. Apart from being the author and co-author of a series of articles in specialized off- and online magazines, Jordi Blasco is also an advisory board member in companies of different sectors. He is an associate professor at EADA. Jordi Blasco holds a degree from IESE, EADA, CCJCC, and UAB.

Industry experience:

Beverages; Education and training; Food; Information technology; Leisure; Media, printing, and publishing; Plastics.

Managing Partner

Martin Mayer

Economist and founding partner gained wide experience since the mid-90s in international corporate finance on both sides, in advisory firms as well as on the client’s side in stock-exchange listed companies. Previously, he worked in various countries in Asia, Eastern, and Western Europe. He is an associate professor at EADA. Martin Mayer holds a degree in Business Administration from the University of Innsbruck and an Executive MBA from IE Business School.

Industry experience: 

Automotive; Business services; Education and training; Financial services; Food; Hotels & restaurants; Information technology; Insurance; Security; Steel, metal, and woodworking.
Member of the Financial Services Industry Group.


Marc Blasco

Chemical Engineer, MBA ESADE Business School.
Extensive experience in private equity and consulting (CAP Gemini), as an executive in several industries, including Chemicals, Food, and Engineering, and as C-level in Gambling (hardware and software). Joined ArsCorporate in 2012.

Industry experience:

Chemicals; Engineering; Food; Information technology.


Lina Benchekroun

Currently a 4th year BBA student at ESADE in Barcelona, Lina is completing an internship at ArsCorporate as an M&A Analyst. During my studies at ESADE, she had the opportunity to be the Marketing Director of Ennova, the largest ESADE association. Moreover, she had the chance to do two internships in consultancy, one at NTT Data and one at PwC.


Mireia Perarnau

Last-year student of International Business Economics at Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona. During her studies, she was part of the Pompeu Investment Club, studied at the University of Pittsburgh, USA, for a semester, and interned as an Acquisition and Sourcing Analyst in a Venture Capital.

Selected transactions in Spain

  • All
  • Agri, Food & Beverages
  • Business Services
  • Construction & Real Estate
  • IST
  • All
  • IST
  • All
  • Agri, Food & Beverages
  • All
  • Business Services

Our Madrid office latest transactions

  • All
  • Agri, Food & Beverages
  • Business Services
  • Construction & Real Estate
  • IST
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