Chemar Rurociągi & MBO: group of private investors

Steel, metal, and woodworking Industry
Business description: Piping systems for Electrical, Chemical, and Petrochemical Plants.
Deal value: 1 – 5m
Chemar became the main manufacturer and supplier of pipelines to most Polish Power Plants and Thermal-Electric Power Stations, Chemical and Petrochemical Plants.
Piping Company „Chemar” Sp. z o.o. was created in 28.11.2001 after industrial conversion of „Chemar” S.A. group owned by National Treasury taking over from „Chemar” S.A. its design, technological and production personnel, designated buildings, machinery, equipment, current and permanent assets.
The Company started its activity as an independent legal subject. In September 2008 Company changed its name to Chemar Rurociągi Spółka z o.o.
Currently Chemar Rurociągi Sp. z o.o. is one of the biggest suppliers in Poland offering complete piping systems for Electrical, Chemical, and Petrochemical Plants.