Q2 2024 Food, Beverage, and Retail M&A Report: Key Market Trends, Valuations, and Industry Insights

Here are the key conclusions from the Food, Beverage, and Retail M&A Report for 2Q24:

Market Valuation: Food and beverage companies show robust valuation multiples, with industry leaders like Nestlé and Mondelez maintaining EV/EBITDA ratios above 14x. In contrast, Coca-Cola and Monster Beverage dominate the beverage segment with multiples over 20x.

M&A Activity: Consolidation continues to shape the food, beverage, and retail sectors, particularly driven by larger firms seeking growth through acquisitions. Food retail saw significant deals, with companies like Alimentation Couche-Tard and Kroger showing strong EBITDA performance.

Growth Prospects: The food and beverage sectors are experiencing steady growth, with forecasts showing slight declines in EV/EBITDA ratios in the coming years. Companies like Grupo Bimbo and Hershey are expected to maintain stable growth.

Geographical Diversity: Cross-border M&A deals are increasing, especially in the beverage sector, where multinational corporations are expanding their portfolios globally​.

Discover the latest insights into the food, beverage, and retail sectors with our Q2 2024 M&A Report. This comprehensive analysis highlights key market trends, valuations, and merger and acquisition activities shaping these industries. From leading players like Nestlé and Coca-Cola to emerging opportunities in retail, this report offers valuable data and expert insights that will help you stay ahead in a rapidly evolving landscape. Dive in to explore the full scope of the industry’s future.

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