12 Industry Groups

Construction & Real Estate

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Construction & Real Estate


The Construction and Real Estate sector sits at the sharp end of the economy, suffering dramatically from its ups and downs. Construction businesses frequently face closure either from large projects going wrong or significant drops in demand. Real Estate is an investment class, and as such, it’s pricing, whether as the yield from rentals or capital gains/losses made when selling, tends to move with the broader market. Financing is a significant feature of this sector, and our experts are experienced in evaluating the less obvious options available for investors.

Our market view

The Construction and Real Estate sector sits at the sharp end of the economy, suffering dramatically from its ups and downs. Construction businesses frequently face closure either from large projects going wrong or significant drops in demand.

Real Estate is an investment class, and as such, it’s pricing, whether as the yield from rentals or capital gains/losses made when selling, tends to move with the broader market. Financing is a significant feature of this sector, and our experts are experienced in evaluating the less obvious options available for investors.

Market Outlook

Sector is under continuous restructuring
Liquidity is key in uncertain times
Players become more sophisticated
Bigger active investors appear in the scene

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